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Divine Liturgy - Panteleimon the Great Martyr & Healer

At 7 AM join us at church…or pray with us from home via our parish live-stream on our FaceBook page and our YouTube page. Read along with the service by clicking here.

Saint Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia; his father was a pagan, his mother a Christian. Through her he was taught the Christian Faith and baptized by St Hermolaus (July 26). He became a physician, and practiced his art with compassion and generosity, healing many more through his prayers as by his medicines. His parents had named him Pantoleon ("in all things a lion"), but because of his great compassion he was re-named Panteleimon ("all- merciful"). He once healed a man of blindness by calling on Christ, which led the once-blind man to embrace the Faith. When asked how he came to be healed he named Panteleimon as his healer and proclaimed his newfound faith in Christ. For this the pagans executed him, then arrested Panteleimon, who after many tortures was beheaded in 305. He is counted as the foremost of the “Unmercenary Physicians”...physicians who in their lives on earth worked to heal all without concern for gain; and who since their repose continue to heal by their prayers those who call on them in faith.

Earlier Event: July 26
Sunday Divine Liturgy
Later Event: July 31
Akathist of Thanksgiving