The Tree That Sweetens Bitter Waters

The Tree That Sweetens Bitter Waters

This Sunday marks the crux of Lent…the midpoint of these 40 days. Here, our mother, the Church, offers to us The Cross to meditate upon, “to strengthen and refresh us.” But, a cross is a strange symbol from which to gain such reinforcement.  Why would we believe that this implement of death could so strengthen us? Is there more to this symbol of the cross than we may realize?

Light Therapy

Light Therapy

At the Blessing of the Waters, in one of the beginning prayers by the priest, the tone is set with these words, “Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son…Light from Light, who came into the world to enlighten it, flood our mind with light by your Holy Spirit…”

Wonder of Wonders

Wonder of Wonders

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. … Through Him all things were made, and nothing was made without Him.   In Him was life, and that life was the light of all humankind. … The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.